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Breaking the Silence, Feature

Nomination, Election, and anything about the Nation

JUSTICE SECRETARY Leila de Lima would not run for the Philippine Senate. This affirms her statement in the Impeachment Court during one of the Chief Justice trial days where she said “Hindi ko pa rin po alam. Hindi ko pa po pinaplano ang career ko. [I don’t know. I haven’t planned my career yet.]” when asked by Senator Jinggoy Estrada if she runs for Senate.
The Impeachment Trial has been concluded; Renato Corona has been removed from the position of Chief Justice; Leila de Lima will not run for Senate in the 2013 National Elections. Instead she accepted the nomination for Chief Justice.

The milky way is seen in a moonless night across the mountains surrounding Baranggay Bantey, Tadian town in Mountain Province. Capped: photo by RemZamora for ABSCBNnews.com

Rare! The Milky Way has been captured on a photo taken from Mountain Province. It requires a light pollution-free environment to be able to see milky way from a naked eye.
Philippine Comedy King Dolphy is reported to have said “I love you” to long time partner Zsa Zsa Padilla. Dolphy’s son Eric Quizon said his father has showed significant development on his condition with being able to communicate with the family. Communication, however, is limited to lip reading.
Annabelle Rama is relieved now that falsification charges filed by actress Nadia Montenegro were junked by the court.

One year after the punching incident, Davao City Mayor Sarah Duterte apologized to the Sheriff when the former punched the latter in the face after squatters have gone wild during a demolition. Thanks to the 2013 National Elections, the sheriff finally got his long-deserved apology.

via Nomination, Election, and anything about the Nation.


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