
windows 8

This tag is associated with 2 posts

Microsoft reveals Surface to compete head-on for tablet supremacy

MICROSOFT UNVEILED its response to on-going heated tablet device competition between Apple and Google. Surface, Microsoft’s line of tablet devices, was revealed at a press event in Los Angeles, 18 June 2012.  Surface tablets would feature a 10.6-inch touchscreen in a scratch-resistant magnesium case tagged as VaporMg. On a report from The Daily Mail, CEO … Continue reading

Microsoft and Apple bid OS release for 2012

ON 16 February 2012, Apple announced that it has opened its latest operating system OS X Mountain Lion’s preview to developers. Competitor Microsoft is also on its hound to release its latest OS version dubbed as Windows 8. In recent years, Apple concentrated its development for the mobile and tablet markets through the release of … Continue reading

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